From the desk of our President

Life brings along its way several opportunities. The way we respond to opportunities could change the course of our journey. One such opportunity is the call to serve the Lord full-time. Such an opportunity is best utilized when one considers the best preparation within one’s means to carry out the task in the best possible manner for the glory of God.
Baptist Seminary of South India (BSSI) attempts to provide men and women who are sure about God’s call upon their lives, with preparation for ministry by emphasizing Biblical spirituality, theological studies, and Christian service for the Church in Asia.
If you are a person who has the call of the Lord upon your life and a zeal to serve the Lord in the best possible manner, then we would be pleased to have you as a student at BSSI and help equip you to serve our great God. We have been doing this since 1998 and I welcome you to browse through the various sections of our website, for in it, you will discover the opportunities you have at BSSI. Should the Lord lead you to be with us for the next few years, we will endeavor to help you to be “an approved worker who has no need to be ashamed”.
In His service,
M. Simeon Sundar