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Course Description



BS104: Bible Culture

This introduces students to Bible cultures, including geography, history, and religious, socio-economic, and political institutions, in order to develop a frame of reference in which to interpret Scripture.


BS105: OT Introduction

This surveys the books of the OT, locating and understanding them in the context of redemptive history so that the student can articulate the message and purpose of each book.


BS106: NT Introduction

This surveys the books of the NT, locating and understanding them in the context of redemptive history so that the student can articulate the message and purpose of each book.


BS207: OT Hermeneutics

This introduces the student to the variety of OT genres, showing how genre features to aid in understanding the passage.


BS208: NT Hermeneutics

This introduces the student to the variety of OT genres, showing how genre features to aid in understanding the passage.


BS209:General Epistles







TS101: Basic Hermeneutics

Here students learn the basic steps of understanding a passage in the English translation and summarizing it in preparation for further homiletic work.


TS102: Basic Doctrines

Here students will learn the basic doctrines and demonstrate their grasp of the subject content.


TS103: Asian Religions

This will introduce students to the main religions on Asia, with a view to discerning their basic spiritualities and worldviews.


TS104: Christian Worldview

Here students will learn the Christian worldview in comparison with contemporary cultural worldviews.


TS201: Church History

This is a survey of significant stages, events, and people in church history.


TS202: Christianity in Asia

This is a survey of Christianity in Asia - its roots, progress, and contemporary presence.





MS101: Spiritual Disciplines

This helps students to reflect on the fundamental spiritual disciplines of personal, family and church life, in order to deepen their commitment to such practices.


MS102: Church Mission

This helps students wrestle with issues concerning how the church is to live in this world for God’s glory.


MS201: Ethics

This helps students respond to contemporary ethical issues from the framework of a strong Christian faith that is also supplied with the fruit of good research.


MS202: Christian Family

This helps students learn a theology of the family, while also reflecting on and responding to contemporary issues that affect the Christian family.


MS203: Homiletics

This helps students develop the skills needed to communicate sound biblical exposition to contemporary audiences.


MS204: Apologetics

This helps students respond to contemporary issues in apologetics from the framework of a strong Christian faith that is also supplied with the fruit of good research.




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